Databases and GIS, Digital Preservation, Photographs and Images, Preservation, Tools and Technology, Workbenches
OHA’s Kipuka Database is a geographical information system (GIS) that utilizes the latest mapping technologies to provide a window into native Hawaiian land, culture and history.
Databases and GIS, Digital Preservation, Digitization Planning, Language Documentation, Photographs and Images, Tools and Technology, Workbenches
Papakilo Database, is a comprehensive “Database of Databases” consisting of varied collections of data pertaining to historically and culturally significant places, events, and documents in Hawai'i’s history.
Archival Processing, Databases and GIS, Digital Preservation, Digital Stewardship Curriculum, Digitization Planning, Events, Language Documentation, Photographs and Images, Preservation, Tools and Technology, Workbenches, Workshop
Hale Noelo is a research and technology center, or “Library of the Future,” provides access to digitization equipment and online based subscription resources, genealogy technical assistance, and community meeting space through an appointment based system.