California Indian Museum and Cultural Center

Since our founding at the Presidio of San Francisco in 1991 and incorporation as a non-profit, 501(c)(3) organization in 1996, CIMCC has worked continuously to inform and educate the public about the living cultures of California Indians. CIMCC is a statewide museum. We use interactive multi-media and an issues-based, inquiry-driven interpretive approach to achieve our mission to educate the public about the history, cultures and contemporary life of California Indians and honor their contributions to civilization. In the “civic space” we are creating at our 24,000 square foot facility in Santa Rosa, CIMCC presents information about California tribes and Native people through onsite and web-based exhibits and education programs. Our resources are grounded in tribal scholarship and animated by Native perspectives and stories. Tribal oral traditions and languages are the pillars of tribal cultures. They are the best means for communicating the diversity and complexity of California tribes and the strength of California Indians to overcome extreme adversity. Through stories relaying the facts, events, memories and emotions that occurred over time, people can more fully connect with what has happened to Native people in California and better perceive how Native communities have endured. Far from being a static representation of tribal cultures focused on a past and tragic history, CIMCC emphasizes the nexus between California Indian living history and tribal influence on Western society, past, present and future. We strive to illuminate the collective and local experiences that have shaped tribal communities into the sovereign nations they are today and promote dialogue about issues of importance to American Indians and everyone. If you would like to become a member of the CIMCC community or have questions about materials posted to the community, please contact Nicole Lim at