California Indian Museum and Cultural Center GIS Tutorials

California Indian Museum and Cultural Center GIS Tutorials
This collection of tutorials was produced by the California Indian Museum and Cultural Center (CIMCC) in collaboration with Sound Ideas and the SHN. In these tutorials, Garet Couch, President of the National Tribal National Geographic Support Center, presents some basic concepts, applications, and resources for Native Americans looking to get started with GIS. In addition, Jayden Lim, Pomo Tribal Ambasssador for Technology, demonstrates some basic skills necessary for creating a GIS database. These tuotrials were created in conjunction with a CIMCC program for teaching GIS to tribal youth.
Items in Collection:
Digital Heritage
California Indian Museum and Cultural CenterCategory
Showcase, Databases and GISDigital Heritage
California Indian Museum and Cultural CenterCategory
Showcase, Databases and GISDigital Heritage
California Indian Museum and Cultural CenterCategory
Showcase, Databases and GISDigital Heritage
California Indian Museum and Cultural CenterCategory
Showcase, Databases and GISDigital Heritage
California Indian Museum and Cultural CenterCategory
Showcase, Databases and GISDigital Heritage
California Indian Museum and Cultural CenterCategory